When you find out that you are pregnant, a new path full of happiness, uncertainty and hope opens before you. A unique stage begins, full of surprises and tenderness. The moment is also wonderful when you share the good news with your partner and loved ones: see the joy on their faces, their eyes shine, hugs full of warmth and love, smiles that perfume the air in a special way. Therefore, if you are at that stage, today I want to share with you some ideas to announce your pregnancy in a fun and unforgettable way.
There are many things you can do it, prepare a dinner or special meeting for your relatives and there give them the good news.
14 Fun Ideas to Announce your Pregnancy!
For example:
1: A song or allusive poetry.
2: A homemade film telling the news. If you already have children you can record the oldest telling the news.
3: Paint your belly and expose it in the least expected moment But these ideas that I will give you below are the ones that amuse me the most.
It is about creating some image to share either on social networks as well as send it by e-mail or print it and distribute it by hand among your loved ones. You can use a program called Picmonkey for example to edit your photo. It is very simple and fun to use.
What phrases can you place?
1: A sign that says “(husbands name): great runner with great swimmers” and a sperm drawing.
2: “Soon we will wash more clothes and a picture with clothes of mom, dad and a baby bag.”
3: Belly of the whole family with a sentence written on each one. Dad’s: beer belly, son: cereal belly and mom: pregnant belly.
4: The same idea with shoes of the whole family including baby shoes.
5: Actor Will Smith helped a woman announce her pregnancy by taking a picture with her with a sign that said: “Emily is pregnant!” While it is a bit complicated to get a famous person to take a picture with us, the idea is good and you can take a picture with your partner.
6: The phrase “Guess what ..” And a drawing or picture of an oven with bread inside.
7: Photo of your son with a sign that says: “Guess what … I’ve been promoted to big brother.”
8: For fans of superheroes: “every superhero needs a partner … mine will arrive in (and there you place the probable birth date)
9: A picture of your painted belly that says “Loading 30%,” for example, depending on how long your pregnancy is.
10: A drawing of a walnut that says: “Guess what … very soon we will add a nut to our family tree”
11: A photo with a phrase that says: “I love parties, and by parties I mean naps”.
As you can see, there is a lot to choose from. Let your imagination fly free! If you do not decide on any phrase you can choose several to distribute among your family. Thus each one has a different one. And now I want to know about you, how did you announce your pregnancy?
Morena says
La creatividad puesta en marcha! Qué ideas tan originales y divertidas para anunciar que se está esperando un bebé.
Yaimar Perez Nuñez says
Me encantan todas estas ideas! Recuerdo que el primero en anunciarlo fue mi esposo, y lo hizo con un collage de fotos de nosotros y el eco del bebé.
Pilar says
Hehehe funny and original ideas!!! 😍
Michel Taveras says
I loved the idea of painting the belly for the announce of pregnancy. such a lovely stage!
Sandra Brito says
I loved all those creative ideas to announce pregnancy but I loved the one with the super hero and the partner the most! ❤️
Roxy Jimenez says
Aw! These ideas are so great. Wished I had done something like this for my pregnancies announcement.
Blanca D says
Aw these are some cute ideas! sometimes I miss when I was pregnant. My kids are now 10 and 14! Back then (is not that long time ago but still) I only did it face to face to my closest family and friends, or over the phone for those far away.