Disclosure: This article is brought to you thanks to the sponsorship of Rivals For Life. All opinions stated are my own.

If you could save someone’s life with no risk for yourself, would you?
Hello my friends! Today in this post we are talking about the importance of registering as an organ donor and how you can join the movement of saving lives!
Rivals For Life provides the opportunity to give new purpose to the UK and UofL school rivalry and competitive spirit by saving and healing lives. In the past 20 years, college students from across the state of Kentucky have inspired thousands to join the Kentucky Organ Donor Registry.
During this week-long Rivals for Life Challenge, colleges and universities compete to see which school fan base (UK or UofL) can register the most people as organ donors. This year, students, faculty, and staff participate in the challenge through socially distanced campus events, social media posts, newsletter articles, and donor registration stations at various locations.
Each school receives a unique link to the donor registry. One point is designated for each time the link is used to register a person as a donor. Scores are displayed in real time on the Rivals For Life registration campaign pages and this is an amazing opportunity to show your school spirit and save someone’s life too.
Organ availability is a matter of life and death on a daily basis for many in our country. There are 22 Americans who die every day because there are not enough transplantable organs available. We all have the ability to reduce those numbers by registering to be an organ donor.
Registering as an organ, eye and tissue donor gives hope to thousands of people waiting for a life-saving transplant across the country at no cost. This simple act of kindness may be the only ray of encouragement for someone who is fighting for their life while waiting for their gift.

This week, from 9-13 November, both the UK and the UofL are competing to see who can enroll the most people in the KY Organ Donor Registry. When you sign up, it means that you could be the one to save a life one day.
At the end of Rivals for Life, a trophy will be awarded to the best school during the Battle of the Bluegrass, if it occurs. Either way, everyone wins, especially those who receive the gift of life!
Sign up to be an organ donor today! Be a waiting hero and register today at registerme.org/campaign/r4luk or registerme.org/campaign/r4luofl.
Anyone over the age of 15 can register as a donor and donors from any state are accepted! All you need to register is the last four digits of your social security number or your driver’s license number.
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